Friday, February 12, 2010

21 man-tan

So I was having lunch with a fellow Orange today, and we got to thinking about the feasibility of playing a full on, double board, 12 player version of Seafaring Knight Cities Catan.

And the more we thought about it, the more we loved the idea. Sure it would take FOREVER, and the rules we be a little complex, but it would be so awesome to try it. Has it ever been done before?! Did Klaus ever dream it might be be attempted?! Are we insane?! Do we care?! Am I orange?!

Who's man enough to stand against me, eh?

Going to bed now, to dream about 25 point victory and domination over the dominion.
- O.

1 comment:

_blue said...

hm... i like the idea - sort of. it might get old quick and there would be so much yelling back and forth. there would/could be some sort of diplomacy type bargaining and alliance forming qualities. everyone would have to be a player. no noobs!

i like the BOUS idea though!! what about setting up a BOUS (board of unusual size) for the usual 4-5 players and play to 20 or 30 points with defender of catan points being awarded for the first person to reach 10 and 20 etc. you would play to the first point total and not clean the game up. the next time you come to the game you just start from wherever you were. so you play 3 games in a row basically building on what you had before. giving you incentive to do well. we would have to purchase additional pieces so we could build more setties, cities, roadies, etc.

i also think the addition of some sort of explorer or colonist would be necessary / awesome. that would allow you to settle in a totally new section of the board without contiguous roads/boats. this would of course take some time and resources to do. it could be a ship that you build and then declare as a colonist ship. you can move it 1 vertex each turn as long as you feed them wheat or something. however! the barb ship destroys them entirely or sends them packing. once they arrive in the 'new world' they start building and regular chitting rules apply.

i also think you should be able to build a harbor that way you can get what you want.

klaus teuber - kTube as his friends call him - is basically resting on his laurels. it's up to us to take it to the next level!!!
